Sunday, October 28, 2018

A Love Letter to Whiskey

Last night, I finished "A Love Letter to Whiskey" by Kandi Steiner.  I won this book through a giveaway of some sort, (I honestly don't remember which one,) and it's even signed!  It came with the bookmark in the picture above as well.

When I first got the book and read the back, I wasn't sure if it was about a romance or an actual alcoholic.  Rest assured, my romance reading friends, it is a romance.  Whiskey is what the MC calls the man that she's been in love with forever.  Due to the way he makes her feel like she's an alcoholic for him and due to the color of his eyes and his whiskey like scent.  Each chapter is named something to do with alcohol that compares her infatuation with him to a drunk's infatuation with their favorite liquor.

Beginning in her Junior year of High School, Brecks (or B as she prefers to be called,) tells the story of how she fell for Jamie and how the timing was never quite right.  Through the course of this book I was so frustrated with B and Jamie for not seeing what was right in front of their eyes.  It's definitely one of those books that made me want to slap the MC and show her how stupid she was being.  But it's also told in her voice, so you can tell that she's slapping herself enough already.

I've really been into contemporary romance lately and this book fit right in with what I've been wanting to read.  I enjoyed how the story started in High School but spanned clear out into their late 20s.  We got the WHOLE story, and it didn't just fast forward through parts to get to the ending quicker.  At the same time, it didn't feel like the story was dragging...even though I was screaming in my head "Come on already!" to the characters to get their stuff together.

In the end, I had to give it 5 stars.  I used to give 5 stars to pretty much everything I enjoyed at all, but learned from an author that doing that isn't necessarily helpful to them.  They want to know what we liked and what we didn't so they can constantly be improving their writing.  This book deserved it from me though.  I would recommend it to friends and possibly even re-read, and that means a full 5 stars from me.

A shout out and thank you to Kandi Steiner for signing by book (and my name was spelled correctly!)  And also for her generosity in the giveaway.  I apologize that it took me so long to read your wonderful book!

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