I'm getting really tired of so many books being challenged, banned and burned in our country. Have you all been keeping up with the news? A majority of the books that these groups and parents find questionable, I've already read, but the ones I haven't I wanted to. So, this is the first of those that I was able to read. The complaints heard about this book were that it was pornography, had illicit drug use, and while there was the drug use aspect, it was integral to the telling of the story. And there was nothing even remotely like porn in this book. Anyway, this is my review of Hey Kiddo!
Hey Kiddo! by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
After hearing that this book had been challenged by a local parent, I decided to check it out from the library and read it myself. While I did not see any of the concerns that the parent had mentioned, I did see a very relevant story, a true one at that, that revolves around a boy who grew up not knowing his father and learning that his mother was an addict. Is there some tough content in the book, yes, but there is tough content in life as well and I'm sure that one of these students who are getting access to this book through their school library are going to connect with it and maybe feel less alone.
I don't usually read graphic novels, but I did enjoy the drawing and how the story mentioned time and time again the main character/author and his journey as he found his art. I loved the use of lyrics of songs listened to in the background of the artwork as well.
I'm very happy that the school board in question chose not to remove this book from the libraries.
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