Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Night Divided

Still listening to audio books at this point.  My CT Scan was on Friday the 16th and I have a follow up with the doctor on Monday, so I hope to get cleared very soon!

My next "listen" was A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen.  It's a historical fiction story about the Berlin Wall.  I usually have a little trouble getting into historical fiction, but that was not the case with this book.  

I'm going to assume that everyone reading this blog knows at least a bit of the history of the Berlin Wall.  Knowing even the slightest bit, I am sure you can imagine who emotional the book was.  It follows a family who was split when the wall went up.  A father and son on one side, while mother, another son and daughter on on the other.  Even knowing this was the reality for many families and friends, it was hard to wrap my mind around.

The part that really got to me, was how the government and secret police were able to turn friends and family against each other simply out of fear.  Through this story we are able to see how the Wall affected not only the families split by the wall, but how the young men were turned into soldiers in spite of their own personal beliefs or wants.  How desperate people were to escape to the West.  They were willing to risk their own lives to be free.

I will say there were some very sad moments, but all in all the ending was not so horrible.  I am not naive enough to believe that was the case for many families though.

Any of you enjoy Historical Fiction?  Do you have a favorite time period or event?

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