Thursday, July 1, 2021

Prime and New Authors

I am loving how my selections in Prime Reading (and let's be honest, I'm totally judging these books by their covers,) are expanding my knowledge of authors that I might like.  A majority of the books I've chosen to borrow with this program, I've ended up loving and wanting to read more by the author.  I also love how it can get you into a new series.  If you have Amazon Prime and love to read as much as I do, I highly recommend looking into the Prime Reading program (if you're not already.)  That being said, this was another book that I truly did love.  It took me too long to read it due to real life circumstances, and my inability to stay up all night like I did when I was younger, but I did really enjoy the book.  The following is my review.


The Trouble With Love by Claire Contreras

 I haven't read anything by this author before, but I can tell you that I will definitely be reading more in the future.  I was instantly drawn into this story, and even though things kept happening IRL that pulled me away, I found it extremely easy to jump right back into the story because of how it stuck with me even when I wasn't reading it consistently.  There was a sweetness and sadness to the back story of each character and how they ended up finding each other despite all odds.  I absolutely loved the dating app aspect and how it played into the story in a quite different way than you might expect.  I was also impressed with the main male character and his ability to see when he was needed and what he needed to do for his love.  The amount of support between the siblings was also impressive and dear to my heart.  I think there is a lot to be said for forgiveness and learning to trust people again and this story showed that very nicely.  If you enjoy contemporary romance, especially a brother's best friend type of story, I think you will very much like this book.

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