Sunday, November 21, 2021

Nesta's Story

I have loved the journey this series has taken me on, but I'm so upset that the next book isn't out yet!  OMG I'm so impatient!  Anyway, here's my review for probably my favorite book in the series so far.


A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

Here's me over here, reading these books because TikTok goes crazy for them, right?  And then here's me realizing this is the last published book in the series and now I have to wait.  Like, what?  TikTok what have you done to me?  Ok so that was my fun way of warning you, if you are reading this to be aware that the next book isn't out yet!  There are also a few trigger warnings in this one.  If you react badly to descriptions of abuse, you might be triggered.  There are also mentions of rape.  

Ok, now that I've gotten through my warnings, I can tell you that this was an amazing book.  I think I liked it better than the previous three to be honest!  I love Feyre and Rhys, don't get me wrong, but somehow I connected more with Nesta.  Which shocked me because I didn't much care for her in the other books.  Getting inside her head, however, was a totally different story.  Once I could see things from her point of view, I realized that I'm much more like Nesta than Feyre.  

Another thing I really and truly loved about this book was the relationship between Cassian and Nesta.  I think the way he supported her and was so patient as she worked through her issues and faced her demons was impressive and what everyone should aspire to when dealing with someone who has had trauma in their lives.  

And finally, I really enjoyed the friendships that Nesta made with Gwyn and Amery.  Those connections through their various trauma and recovery reminded me so much of all the strong female friendships I've had in my life and how important that is.  Their support for each other and lifting each other up made this book so much more wonderful for me.

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