Wednesday, April 14, 2021

New Author and Amazon Silliness!

So, as many of you know, I've had my share of issues with Amazon.  Having just recently regained my ability to review, imagine my dismay and utter panic at seeing an e-mail today advising me that my review was not able to be published due to failure to adhere to the community guidelines.  My stomach dropped and I was about to lose it.  But, upon reading further, I realized my mistake.  I had a "profane" word in my review, which is not ok I guess.  The word used?  Shit.  I said shit in my review and it was flagged.  Anyone else made this mistake?  I just reposted my review changing the word to shoot, so we'll see how it goes.  

One of the reasons I was going to be so upset if they didn't post this review, is due to the author.  This is a new author and someone I "met" on TikTok.  Upon seeing her video about her newly published book being pirated, I decided to buy the book to give her some support.  Obviously, some of that support comes in the form of reviews, so I definitely wanted mine published.  Not to mention, the book was AMAZING!!!  This author, Ally Wagner, is sure to become one of my new favorite authors, I'm already salivating for book two in her series.  Now that I've talked her, and her book, Skin, up so much, here's my review (I left it 'profane' for you all!)  


Skin by Ally Wagner 

Y'all! OMG this book! In my usual manner, I did not read any reviews or even the blurb before I bought this book, nor when I added it to my April TBR. When I picked it up to read is the first time I read anything specific about it, by reading the back cover. Let's suffice it to say that I was not hooked from the first page... I was hooked from the back of the book! Upon opening and beginning to read, the hook only dug in deeper.

Kee is such an interesting and well developed character. I found myself relating to her more and more as I went through the pages and she went through her character growth. I love how many fascinating aspects of her personality and history the author put into the character. The rest of the characters were just as well developed, if not with as much history. I also loved Conrad and Lucas. I was not as much of a fan of Cain. I'll let you other readers form your own opinions, but for me, I just didn't think he was deserving of the "hype."

There is a definite cliffhanger at the end of this book. In fact, after reading the last line, I literally said "Oh, shit!" because I just KNOW that it's going to hit the fan in the next book. Yes, I've gone and read a book without a published sequel...why do I keep doing this to myself! But oh so worth it. This was one of those books I really struggled to put down and get back to my job! If you're a fan of paranormal romance with a bit of spice, you're going to LOVE this book. I look forward to what Ms. Wagner has in store for us going forward! Keep your eyes on her, she may just become your new favorite author!

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